Dr. Tofu

Tofu's Dossier Pic

Vital Statistics

Name: Dr. Tofu
Age: Approx. 25-30
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
First Appearance (Anime): Ranma 1/2 TV series, Vol. 1
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 1
Love Interest: Kasumi
Loved by: No one
Rivals/Opponents: No one

Profile: Dr. Tofu is a chiropractor/doctor who lives in the area near the Tendo dojo. At his office, he is putting his martial arts skills to use by treating injuries through conventional medicine and also of shiatsu. Ever since Akane was little and used to get into fights, Dr. Tofu has treated her injuries with great care. Unbeknowest to Dr. Tofu, however, was that in this time period Akane had developed feelings for him.

Dr. Tofu is himself very deeply in love with someone himself, and that person just happens to be Akane's older sister Kasumi. Whenever Kasumi is around Dr. Tofu's office, the once-competent Dr. Tofu turns into a walking chiropractic disaster. He messes up fixing injuries, runs into walls, and basically acts incredibly absent-minded and idiotic. It is Kasumi herself, surprisingly, who is the only person that is totally unaware that Dr. Tofu is head-over-heels in love with her.

Akane, along with many others, knew this, and in an attempt to gain his attention, Akane grew out her hair, thinking that Dr. Tofu might think better of her if she looked a little more like Kasumi. In her heart, though, Akane knew who Dr. Tofu really loved, and this was realized when an accident involving a fight between Ryoga and Ranma cost Akane most of her hair. Though it was a shock to her, this horrible event made Akane finally accept the fact that Dr. Tofu was in love with someone else. Thus, she returned to a short haircut and got over her feelings for Dr. Tofu. Besides, she did have someone else to think about now.....

Dr. Tofu continues to treat people at his clinic, and Ranma is often in there nowadays, either due to a blow from a violent Akane or for some other reason. Dr. Tofu one day hopes to get the courage to confess his true feelings for Kasumi, but until then, he's perfectly happy being a good family friend of the Tendos and Saotomes.

Personality: Dr.Tofu is very kind to Ranma and Akane, and realizes that their feelings for each other will gradually surface. He's also a very knowledgeable person who knows both the practice of medicine and the subtleties of martial arts. A very competant person when it comes to his practice, Tofu has effectively combined two things he enjoys doing into one profession.

(NOTE: Dr. Tofu does not appear after Vol. 12 of the manga)

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⌐ 1997 by Frank Sanchez